Friday, December 20, 2013

Curriculum Vitae

Yan-Ting (Vicky) Liau 480-2890869 Richardson, Texas 75080
Ph.D. Candidate in Geospatial Information Sciences
Data Developer/Scientist with 10+ experiences specializing in spatiotemporal data collection, pre-processing, management, analysis, and prediction. Data awareness, which enables advanced algorithm developments for over 90% missing data in multiple applications, is the strongest strength. Seeking to leverage my great analysis and prediction abilities as a Data Scientist and contribute to the team.
·  Programming: Python, R, SQL, Netlogo with BehaviorSearch, Matlab, etc.
·  Statistical Modeling: Generalized Linear Models, Hierarchical Model, Multiple Imputation, Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Model, Kriging, Spatial Lag Model and Spatial Error Model, Geographically Weighted Regression, Bayesian Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis, Stepwise Regression/LASSO/Ridge/Elastic-Net, etc.
·  Image Processing: PCI Geomatica, Erdas Imagine, eCognition, ENVI, IDRISI Kilimanjaro, etc.
·  Geographical Information Systems: ESRI ArcGIS, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS (with PyQt)
·  Machine Learning Algorithms: Decision Tree, Random Forest, Neural Network Models, Support Vector Machines, etc.
·  Database: AWS Dynamodb, S3 (Simple Storage Service), RDS (Relational Database Service), Redshift
·  Data Analysis Tools: (1) AWS: Kinesis, Lambda, SageMaker, Forecast; (2) Python: Tensorflow, PyTorch, PyTorch Geometric, theano, Scikit-Learn, Scikit-Image, Statsmodels, PySAL; (3) R: Glmnet, Spatstat, Tseries, Spdep, Gstat, etc.
Graduate Teaching Assistant                                               September 2015 – Present
The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas
·  Led and coordinated 2 lab members and won high appreciation by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in GIS Day
·  Motivated students with new skills and cultivate 5 out of 18 students (under-average capability) with self-learning ability
·  Collected fine-resolution datasets via convincing 3 agencies, instead of synthetic data, to conduct experiments
·  Critiqued the most influential factors, when using spatially imputations, introduce the most biased results
·  Developed the pioneer assessments to evaluate influences of using spatial imputed values on regression analysis
·  Identified limitations of using imputations in a response variable, covariates and both types of variables with the least risk
·  Propose algorithms of improving spatial imputation methodology to originally deal with over 90% missing spatial data
National Water Center Research Fellow                                   June 2016 – July 2016
NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Area
·  Formulated a new moisture index for detecting flooding extents from images with 5% improvements
·  Applied the moisture indices and filters for improving segmentation and classifications of flooding extents by 10%
Graduate Research Associate for National Institute of Justice Project    April 2014 – September 2014
Center for Spatial Analysis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
·  Devised a new geocoding method with 20% more match rates and 80% less time over the most widely used ESRI geocoder
·  Investigated similarity measures for detecting crime patterns in real-time
Ph.D. in Geospatial Information Sciences                     August 2015May 2020(expected)
The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas
Title: Use of Spatially Imputed Variables: Three Papers Addressing Implications of Imputation-based Measurement Error in Spatial Regression Analysis
Master of Arts in Geography                                   August 2011December 2013
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Title: Evaluation of Hierarchical Segmentation for Natural Vegetation: A Case Study of the Tehachapi Mountains, California
·  Identified the optimal segmentation for individual trees over the most widely used software, eCognition
·  Published independently in the peer-reviewed journal, Remote Sensing with IF = 4.118 (2018)
Master of Arts in Geography                                     September 2008June 2010
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
Title: Frontier Exploitation and Environmental Impacts: Case Study of Environment Changes in Teh-Chi Reservoir, Taiwan
·  Collected spatiotemporal data with over 400 citations across 50 years in order to handle predictions with large missing data
·  Pioneered the insight on drivers of environmental changes to support predictions of long-term landscape changes
Bachelor of Arts in Geography                                   September 2003June 2007
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

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